The company

NabTech was founded back in 2018 by the technical entrepreneur Marius Nabuurs. The company is located in the southeast region of the Netherlands. A region famous for its technical innovations and high-tech companies, such as ASML, Philips and VDL. NabTech is short for New Air Bearing Technology and is a company that strives for developing innovative air bearing solutions for fast rotating applications. The company provides high-class R&D and consultancy to support you as a customer and to improve your product. The startup company excels with the development of novel tilting-pad gas bearings, which have unique and outstanding performance. Their latest validated and patented bearing design has less friction forces, power losses, and thermal sensitivity than existing products. It is the future goal of NabTech to provide such novel gas bearing technology to customers who develop high-speed rotating machinery and are looking for better performance and efficiency.


Picture_mnab Marius Nabuurs Marius Nabuurs founded NabTech in 2018 and is the current CEO of the company. He obtained his MSc degree of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Technology in Eindhoven in the field of aerodynamic bearings. At the University of Leuven (KU Leuven), he continued his research towards aerodynamic tilting-pad bearings technology. Such technology is essential for the development of small-scale turbo machinery for numerous relevant applications. Such as renewable energy gas-turbines, oil-free turbocompressors and high-speed electric motors. The fundamental research consisted of developing mathematical models and improved stability analysis methods. His research resulted in new design methods and the successful experimental validation of tilting-pad gas bearings. Excellent dynamically stable results were achieved. In addition, a new rotational speed record of 300 m/s for compliant aerodynamic bearings was set. A record which still stands today! Marius has authored multiple papers on high-speed gas bearings and contributed to the book "Air Bearings: Theory, Design and Applications".