
NabTech consulting service can help you with developing superior gas bearing technology for your high-speed application. We offer support during the early R&D phase right up to the final proto and implementation phase. Our in-house developed software tools and academic research background provide a great opportunity for you. We can investigate (and often free of charge) if gas-bearings are beneficial for your application. In addition, we can support you during the implementation-phase of our existing products or developing a complete new gas bearing solution, more tailored to your application. Please feel free to contact us.



NabTech is a contributor in a number of research project related to high speed machinery and gas bearing technology. Most of these projects are aimed towards developing bearing technology for the future. One of our latest projects is the development of the fastest tilting-pad bearing in the world, currently reaching speeds beyond 300m/s. These projects advance the state of the art in gas bearing technology and we are now keen to bring this expertise to your project. Please contact us to discussing ways to team up or to initiate new R&D projects.
